1. Arrays
- chunk
: Chunks an array into smaller arrays of a specified size.
- compact
: Removes falsy values from an array, If strict is true, also removes empty objects and arrays.
- insert
: Inserts elements into an array at a specified index.
- partition
: Partitions an array into two arrays based on a given callback ie predicate.
- remove
: Removes elements from an array at a specified index.
- rotate
: Rotates the elements of an array by a given number of positions.
- sampleArr
: Generates an array of random numbers.
- search
: Search objects in an array based on provided keys and query string. It only works with string and number values.
- shuffleArr
: Shuffles the elements of an array.
- unique
: Creates a unique array from the input array.
- zip
: Zips arrays together in the form of an array of arrays.
2. Functional
- callAfter
: Returns a new function that can be called only after calling a specific number of times.
- callBefore
: Returns a new function that can be called only for specific number of times.
- count
: returns the result of a function and the number of times that function is invoked.
- debounce
: Return a debounced function that delays invoking the passed function until after `given` milliseconds have elapsed since the last time the debounced function was invoked.
- nTimes
: Calls a function n times and returns an array of the results.
- once
: Returns a new function that can be called only once.
- retry
: Retries the given function a specified number of times with a delay between each retry.
- sleep
: Sleeps the execution for the specified number of milliseconds.
- throttle
: Return a throttled function that invokes the passed function at most once per every `given` milliseconds.
- timeout
: The timeout function wraps a function with a timeout. If the function does not complete within the specified time, the promise will be rejected.